Learn to play Go

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  • Go Pieces are called stones.
  • Stones are placed on the intersections of the board
  • Stones can't be moved after they are placed, but they can be removed from the board
  • Players take turns placing stones of their colour, one stone at a time
  • Black goes first
Play anywhere on the board
Play anywhere on the board


  • Liberty is an unoccupied intersection horizontally or vertically adjacent to a stone
4 liberties are marked with squares
4 liberties are marked with squares
  • If all the liberties are taken by the stones of opposing colour, such stone is getting captured and is removed from the board
Capture white's stone
Capture white's stone
  • Groups of stones of the same colour placed horizontally or vertically adjacent to each other share liberties
White's group has 8 liberties
White's group has 8 liberties
  • If a group of stones loses all of its liberties, the entire group is getting captured
Capture white's group
Capture white's group
  • Accordingly, you can escape from being captured and save your stones
Save your stone from being captured
Save your stone from being captured
  • Stones placed on the edge have fewer liberties than those elsewhere on the board
White's A stone has 2 liberties, and white's B stone has 3 liberties
White's A stone has 2 liberties, and white's B stone has 3 liberties
  • Accordingly, it takes fewer stones to capture stones placed on the edge
Capture white's stone
Capture white's stone


Reads like the first 'co' in 'coconut'
  • Players are not allowed to make a move that returns the board to its previous position
  • An arrangement of stones that allows repetition is commonly called Ko shape
Capture white's stone
Capture white's stone
  • It can appear anywhere on the board
Capture white's stone
Capture white's stone

This is it for the rules. Got you interested?

Proceed to the Basics section